Why do we need Healthy Vegetarian Diet?
Vegetarian diets are one of the fast-rising diets today because more and more people are following it. This kind of diet is definitely an ideal way of living a healthy lifestyle as it helps a person keep away from diseases that are usually caused by poor food choices. There are many reasons why people choose to become vegetarians. The most common reasons include health, animal rights and the environment. A person’s choice to be a vegetarian is a personal decision.
A person can stay away from diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and other heart-related diseases. But just like other diets, even a vegetarian diet can have its downside too. We must follow a healthy vegetarian diet.
What is a Vegetarian?
When we call a person a vegetarian, this means that he/she does not eat any meat at all and these includes pork, beef, chicken and fish. Instead, vegetarians eat nuts, fruits, pulses, vegetables and grains. Other vegetarians may or may not choose to eat animal products such as eggs, milk or honey and they are called vegans.Are there any disadvantages of a Vegetarian Diet?
When we talk about a vegetarian diet we need to take note that there are different kinds of vegetarians and each kind has a specific type of diet as well. Particularly on the vegans, this type of diet mostly suffers from deficiency of vitamin B12, Iron and Calcium. But the good news is this can be fought by learning about meat substitutes such as soya and other vitamin supplements in order to have healthy vegetarian diet.Healthy Vegetarian Diet is it possible?
Vegetarian diets are definitely healthy because it lessens the person’s risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. But being a vegetarian requires a person to take extra care of his/her nutritional intake. The mere fact that vegetarian crosses out specific foods in their diet, they need to find ways to get those missing nutritional value with the use of meat substitutes. They can do this by consuming an array of foods such as legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, whole grains, soy products and lots more. Because vegetarians usually suffer from deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids, they may need the help of vitamin or nutrition supplements.
What are the health benefits of a healthy vegetarian diet?
Because a vegetarian diet mainly involves the consumption of fruits and vegetables, a vegetarian cuts out the bad fat content in the diet. This bad fat is called the saturated fat which we usually get from meat products. If we consume too much of this bad fat, we end up having high cholesterol which can cause stroke and other heart diseases.
What is the importance of having a healthy Vegetarian Diet?
Just like any diets out there, a vegetarian diet does not right away fall under the category of healthy if a person is suffering from deficiencies of vitamins because of cutting out certain foods in the diet. So basically the importance of a healthy vegetarian diet is to help a person lead a healthy life with the use of a balanced diet which will only be achieved if a person learns to consume a variety of foods that can provide all nutrients without having to consume meat or meat by-products (depending on what type of vegetarian a person is). Even a vegetarian diet needs balance and needs to be healthy so that a person can lead a healthy life.How to have a balanced and healthy Vegetarian Diet
As mentioned earlier, as long as there is balance in the nutritional intake by eating a variety of foods, a vegetarian diet it is on the right track. But to give a clearer idea on how this works here are a few things a vegetarian may need to keep in mind.Calcium
Because not all vegetarians eat meat by-products such as milk which is rich in calcium, a vegetarian needs to consume foods that are rich in calcium. Excellent sources of calcium can be found in cereals, orange juice and soy milk or other calcium-fortified foods which means the manufacturers have added calcium to it. Other great choices of calcium are found in legumes, green leafy vegetables, tofu and seeds. You may also have the option of consulting your doctor about taking in calcium supplements.Vitamin D
Just like calcium, vitamin D is also an essential nutrient in keeping our bones strong. As mentioned earlier, for vegetarians who do not drink or eat milk products may consume breakfast cereals or soy milk. Our bodies can also produce vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight regularly. If you feel that your vegetarian diet isn’t providing enough vitamin D for the body you may consult your doctor about taking in supplements.Iron
Our bodies do not absorb iron from plant foods well compared to meat so it is essential that vegetarians eat a variety of food particularly foods that are rich in iron. Great sources of iron are found in green leafy vegetables, peas, lentils and cooked dried beans. Because iron is best absorbed with the help of Vitamin C, a vegetarian may take in foods rich in this vitamin and if it helps, iron supplements may be taken in too.Vitamin B12
Since vitamin B12 is found in animal sources only, vegans will have to get this from foods that are fortified with it such as soy milk or better yet take in supplements. This is crucial most especially for vegan women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.Protein
One of the common worries of vegetarians is not being able to get sufficient protein in their diet but protein may also be gotten from grains and legumes.Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is usually found in fish and even eggs but since these are exempted from a vegetarian diet, a vegetarian may get it from soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and canola oil.Zinc
Similar to iron, zinc is best absorbed when we eat it from meat rather than plants but this won’t be much of a problem for vegetarians because there are foods that are excellent sources of this vitamin such as lentils, vegetables, whole grain bread and soy.We can now clearly see that even a vegetarian diet needs balance in order for it to be considered healthy and the key to getting the most nutrients that our bodies require is by eating a variety of foods during meal time without having to compromise being a vegetarian. Because there are different types of vegetarians, there may also be variations in their diet but nevertheless there should be much emphasis on paying extra attention to specific nutrients that may possibly be low when on a vegetarian diet.
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