Why do we need Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet?
We are aware that people get into specific types of diets for various reasons. Although most of us know that a vegetarian diet is typically what most people will choose who are concerned with health, have moral reasons and for the protection of animal rights, there have been studies done that supports the fact that a vegetarian diet can actually help a person lose weight. According to medical studies, an average vegetarian consumes 500 calories less in a day compared to a carnivorous dieter but gets the same nutritional benefit and this alone explains why vegetarians are less likely to be overweight. Just like any weight loss diets, an ideal vegetarian weight loss diet is one that is balanced and healthy. We need to remember that losing weight is easiest when our bodies are well nourished rather than being starved.
Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan Guidelines
Losing weight shouldn’t be the only thing you should be thinking about. You also need to consider the caloric intake of your food, food choices and most importantly—losing weight and keeping a healthy weight with the help of a balanced vegetarian diet. In order to do this here are a few guidelines that may help for Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan.
- Eat a variety of foods
A healthy vegetarian weight loss diet is one that has meal plans filled with different types of foods. From vegetables to fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes and for those vegetarians who also consume dairy products they may include eggs and milk in their diet as well. Not many people know this but a healthy vegetarian weight loss diet helps losing weight much easier and faster.
- Go for whole foods and lower intake of fats and sweets
It would really help a lot if there is a lowered intake of sweets and fats most especially foods that are heavily refined (processed or preserved foods)—not only do they mean gaining weight but they are very bad for the health. Whole and unrefined foods are the best choice.
- Should you happen to be a semi-vegetarian, (you also eat meat and meat by-products) go for the low fat version
There are different types of vegetarians and there are vegetarians who happen to eat a proportion of meat and meat by-products. If you happen to be a vegetarian that falls under this category, it would be best to go for those dairy foods that are low in fat. Cheese, eggs and other types of high-fat dairy food should be eaten in limited amounts because they are known to have high saturated fat.
- Pay extra attention to your vitamin B12 intake
It is a fact that vitamin B12 may only be acquired by consuming meat and we know that there are strict vegetarians who eat nothing else but plant-food and so getting this vitamin requires extra effort including vitamin D if you are not always exposed to the sun. You may have to consult your doctor about taking in supplements with these vitamins.
- Multi-vitamins and mineral supplements may help
There are vegetarian weight loss diets that require a dieter to stick to a 1200 caloric plan and if you happen to be one of them, you may need to take in certain amounts of multi-vitamins and mineral supplements because this amount of calories may not be able to give you the nutrition that you need.
- CONSULT a dietitian or nutritionist before starting a vegetarian weight loss diet
It would be best that you seek professional help from certified dietitians or nutritionists before you start on this type of weight loss diet most especially if you plan on doing this when you are during your growth years, if you are lactating, pregnant or trying to recuperate from illnesses. This goes the same if you plan on taking in vitamins and supplements to ensure that help is given to you rather than harm to your health.
What are the health benefits of going for a Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet?
- Reduced signs of ageing
- You become more energetic
- Stronger immune system
What should a Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan essentially include?
You may be thinking that the answer to this are more on food types but actually, it is more focused on your nutritional intake. These essential nutrients will not only help you in your journey towards weight loss but you will also keep your body on the go and healthy.- Proteins (legumes, whole grains, nuts)
- Iron (dried fruits, leafy vegetables)
- Calcium (green vegetables)
- Zinc (nuts, whole grains, soy beans)
- Vitamin B12 (animal products such as egg)
What foods are allowed to be eaten on a Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet?
Highly recommended are foods that are rich in fibers, vegetables, fruits and soy products. People on this diet are encouraged to make sure to eat all meals of the day from breakfast, lunch to dinner while snacking is optional. To give a clearer idea of these foods, the choices are as follows:- Fruits and vegetables (organic ones as much as possible)
- Beans, nuts and soy products
- Coconut, sesame and organic canola oil
- Whole grain foods such as bread, pasta, cereals, brown rice, potatoes, etc.
- Tofu ice cream, organic corn chips
- Desserts that are sweetened with maple syrup, raw sugar, cane juice and other unrefined products
- Water, organic red wine (limited intakes recommended), decaffeinated green tea
How does a Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet work?
Clearly, a vegetarian weight loss diet helps a person avoid eating animal products in their diet and this also means crossing out of your diet foods that are hard to digest. Instead, you get into a vegetarian diet that is not only for weight loss but is also high in fiber intake helping you to not just shed off those extra pounds but also get detoxified. Because a vegetarian weight loss diet is low in calories, expect to lose weight and since there is low or some in cases no consumption of meat and meat by-products, your diet is most likely low in saturated fat (bad fat) thus, you help yourself stay away from certain types of diseases.
Sample Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan
By now, you would want to find out how a meal plan for this kind of diet possibly looks like. Although this weight loss plan is more on the vegetarian side, it still requires much planning like any other diets. We know that the main goal of weight loss diets (even vegetarian diets for weight loss) is about lowering your caloric intake—eating lesser calories than you burn in order to lose weight. To give a clearer picture, an average person consumes 1200 to 1500 calories per day but a person who is into a vegetarian weight loss diet only consumes around 400 calories per meal and for a snack or two around 100 calories. Below is a sample of what a meal plan for this diet looks like.Breakfast
- The golden rule in this vegetarian weight loss diet plan is to NEVER skip meals and this starts right by eating breakfast. Time and time again, it has been emphasized that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it boosts your metabolism and starts up your energy for the day. You can make a smoothie that has juice or milk, fresh fruits and vegetables. You may also want to add in a scoop of protein powder and voila! You have with you a healthy breakfast that is packed with protein. If you happen to be a vegetarian who doesn’t mind eating eggs, you may also cook omelets with vegetables and you may cook it at a nonstick pan with no oil. Oatmeal filled with fresh fruits is also a great idea for breakfast.
- Packed lunch is the best option if you are on this diet so you can control what you eat and not get tempted to eat foods that are in your cafeteria or eat at restaurants or fast food chains. You can have with you a healthy salad but make sure to use a low-calorie dressing. You may also add in beans to your salad to get some protein or even add in fresh fruits if you like. Another great option is a sandwich and add in carrot sticks or fresh fruits as your side dish.
- For your dinner, you may eat up a meal that is based on rice or beans. You may pair your rice with bean stew that is added up with spices and tomatoes. Another great option is pasta with vegetables.
- These ideas may not only be used for snacks but also for dessert. Best options are fresh fruits or vegetables. You can also come up with a whole wheat pita with hummus.
Some people find it hard to shift from their old diets to becoming a vegetarian. The key here is to take it slow and be involved in careful planning of your meals as you gradually lose weight. The vegetarian weight loss diet indeed takes commitment but with self-discipline and motivation you will later on realize how your body looks great and how you feel better by eating healthy foods.
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