What is Dark Brown Discharges?
In women and teenage girls, the occurrence of vaginal discharge is normal. The color of the discharge changes as the menstrual period approaches or ends. It may be in the appearance of clear white to whitish with a sticky consistency but when menstruation occurs it comes in the color red and as it is about to end it will start turning to color dark brown until it returns to white again . It is also through the odor, color and appearance of the discharge where possible health problems may show thus it is important for women to know what a dark brown discharge may mean and what possible health problems it may manifest.
Normal Causes of Dark Brown Discharges
After Menstrual Periods
As the end of the menstrual period approaches, dark brown discharges shows which are actually old blood leaving the body. This is one of the body’s natural ways of cleaning up remains of blood and tissue brought about by monthly periods.Ovulation
Ovulation occurs when the ovaries release an egg and this happens two weeks after menstruation. During ovulation, typical vaginal discharge is clear in color but there are instances when small traces of blood that appears as dark brown discharges occur. This is known as a mild form of spotting which is really not something to worry about.Postpartum (After Birth)
After a woman gives birth, it is normal for bleeding to happen a few weeks. It may start off with heavy bleeding and eventually leading to light discharges. The bleeding that occurs postpartum is medically known as lochia which come out red at first and as it ends it turns to dark brown discharges. Some women experience lochia between 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, it is important for women to take note if there is the presence of blood clots or foul odor because if there is, it would be best to inform your doctor about this immediately.After Sexual Intercourse
Sexual intercourse can lead to mild to moderate irritation in the vagina which is why some women notice the presence of brow to dark brown discharges after sex. If a woman experiences pain or significant bleeding after sex, medical attention should be given to it as it may be a sign of infection or other reproductive health problems.Abnormal Causes of Dark Brown Discharges
Infections especially sexually transmitted diseases are the main causes as to why dark brown discharges are present. In most instances, these dark brown discharges are accompanied by foul odor and at times pain. Infections such as genital warts, chlamydia and pelvic inflammatory disease are among of the few reasons why abnormal discharges occur.Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is one tricky disease because there are times when it manifests symptoms but there are also cases where it does not. This is why annual pelvic exams are highly recommended to women in order to check for the presence of abnormal cells in the cervix. When cervical cancer manifests symptoms, it includes atypical and prolonged vaginal discharge that may appear pale, pink, watery, blood or brown in color. The discharge increases when intercourse is performed and at times causes pain in the pelvic area.- dark brown black discharge
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