Yoga for kids is a thought that not many of us are aware of. Most of us have come to know that Yoga is being used by adults to cope with the everyday stresses that we deal with from time to time and just recently, yoga has also been introduced to the youngsters. Although they are still at a tender age, kids are also faced with stress in a different setting than what adults experience. This is why yoga for kids is a perfect way to keep them in tip-top shape plus it also allows them to relax and let out the pressure and other stress-causing factors that they deal with.
What is Yoga?
Yoga involves stretching of the body and doing different yoga poses while keeping a breathing technique that is controlled and slow. With the breathing technique that yoga entails, the body becomes more relaxed yet energized as well. Yoga actually has different forms as there are yoga poses that require a quick transition to the next pose like aerobics while there are those that requires a person to relax deeply in a specific pose.
Benefits of Yoga for Kids
- Yoga for kids helps a child improve on his/her concentration and focus
- Yoga is excellent for the mind and body’s health
- It promotes coordination, strength, balance and flexibility
- Develops creativity and imagination
- Helps a child learn to stay calm
- Helps cope with stress and regulate emotions
- Yoga for kids helps build confidence and self-esteem
- Helps a child expand his/her awareness
Benefits that Parents Get from Yoga for Kids
Kids doing yoga aren’t the only ones who can reap its benefits but the parents as well, here are some of which:
- Helps improve parent and child bonding
- Because yoga relaxes a child or a baby, it helps moms and even dads sleep well
- Reduces stress levels for both parents and child
- Helps instill parental confidence
Top 5 Poses of Yoga for Kids
Now that you know how yoga can help your kids and you as a parent too, it’s time that you find out which yoga pose are best for kids. Yoga for kids takes on a more fun approach when doing the poses. There are numerous poses for kids when it comes to yoga and below are just some of the easiest, the most fun and the best ones recommended for the youngsters. Each pose below will explain how to execute it.
Five Breaths
Taking five breaths before executing poses will help a child place his/her focus on doing yoga and you can let the child do this off the yoga mat. You first ask the child to sit in a comfortable position, most often they are asked to sit in crisscross legs. The child will then raise one hand making a fist. When a child inhales, the fingers extend to the count of five and as he/she exhales, the fingers slowly curl back to a fist. This breathing technique makes them more focused and concentrated on doing yoga.
Tree Pose
The Tree Pose is a fun yoga pose that kids can follow and it will require a youngster to balance on one leg. To do this, ask the child to stand on one foot and bring the other foot to the standing leg above or below the knee. You can tell the child to think of him or herself as a tree trunk and let him/her extend his/her arms like branches of the tree. Make this pose a little more interesting for them by allowing them to slowly move their arms pretending that the wind is moving it.
Relaxation Pose
Just like adults, kids also need time to relax especially when they are bombarded with lots of activities in school and the other kinds of pressure they deal with. To execute this pose, the child lies on the back with legs and arms spread open and in a relaxed state. Ask the child to not move but rather stay still. You can let them think of themselves like a star fish by the shore.
The Candle is equivalent to the Shoulder Stand in yoga for adults. This is a safe way to get the kids into the pose and letting them go upside down. This pose will let a child lie on the back and brings hands to the small of the back and push legs up to the air and make them think that their feet are like the flames of a candle.
Downward Facing Dog
The Downward Facing Dog can be followed even by the youngest yogis. To do this pose, make the body into an upside-down V shape while the hands are shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. You then ask the kids to think of a walking dog using the pose but make sure to keep their arms and legs straight throughout the routine.
The important thing when doing yoga for kids is to ensure their safety and proper supervision. Even babies can get into yoga. Try to do some research on yoga centers that entertain tots and kids. Your children will be surprised that the fun they get in yoga for kids that also helps them a lot and keeps them healthy.
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